Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Fan Numero Uno

Last night Sierra and I met Lovedrug!!

Well, really we met Michael Shepard and the other guitar player, but Michael is prett much Lovedrug, so you know, we met Lovedrug!

Let me explain: Lovedrug is my favorite band. In the universe. They are so good that I can already rule out any future Martian or Venetian music with out even giving it a chance.

So, my favorite band in the universe came to town, and I was there in the front row. Somehow during the course of the night I reverted back into adolescence, if you watched my actions alone, without looking at the stage, you might have thought I was actually watching my long beloved New Kids on the Block. Okay, I wasn't that bad, I didn't cry or anything. But ...

When Lovedrug was on stage doing sound check Michael was setting up his piano right in front of us, Sierra and I giggled together at his presence when she said, "Say something to him." We bickered a moment over what to say, and who should say it, when finally holding her hand, I counted "1, 2, 3 ... Hi Michael!" Yep.

At the sound of his name, Michael looked into the crowd, slightly confused, or mayhaps irritated. Hard to say. To catch his eye, I waved fervently. I might have jumped up and down too, I'm not quite sure. He say me, smiled awkwardly and waved back. For lack of anything else to say, I shouted "We love you guys!" Yep. I turned fourteen just then. Fourteen year olds aren't really known for their social tact.

I didnt' have the time to explain to him that my love of his band has nothing to do with him personally, I'm sure he's great and all, or maybe he's a jerk. It doesn't really matter to me either way. The music he makes has changed my life (dramatic, I know) and is nearly as important to me as Jesus. I'm sure my stalker-like shout from the crowd explain that clearly.

I can't really go into detail about the show. I don't have words to explain it. They are amazing musicians, and actually sound better live than the do recorded. And they are passionate when they perform. Michael in particular doesn't even open his eyes during a song to see the crowd because he so thoroughly absorbed in song. It was tremendous.

As they left the stage, I turned to Sierra and expressed my wishes that they would be at their merch booth. Then I squeezed my eyes shut and aloud said, "Dear Jesus, please let them be at their merch booth. Please." I meant it too.

Sierra and I parted ways to go check on various friends. Chatting with a few people about the overall awesomeness of Lovedrug, my pocket vibrated. It was a text from Sierra, "Talking to Michael. Get to the booth." I ran. I've always had a theory about that venue in paticular, there is only one exit, and while barrelling through a crowd after a show, I've often had the thought that if there were ever a fire there, everyone would die. Turns out, when there is something important at hand, one can make pretty good time through that venue.

I pushed my way through the small crowd behind Sierra at the table exclaiming, "It's okay. I'm her friend." Because that clearly gave me authority to cut in line. Then there he was. I caught my breath for a second because I couldn't believe it. Jesus had answered my prayer. Then I blurted out. "We're going to see you in New York!" Michael smiled and said, "Yeah, that's what she said." We both looked awkwardly at each other. Then I became fourteen again, although I tried really hard to hide it this time.
"I know this is cliche, but I just want you to know that you are genuinely my favorite band in the entire world, and I genuinely love your music with all that is within me." Yep. I said all that is within me. Pretty smooth, eh?
We chatted for a few mintues, the guitarist was much more talkative, and they both signed our tickets stubs. It was strange, because he fully didn't know how to have a conversation with his fans. He seemed uncomfortable. But he did like my David Bowie t-shirt.
We said good-bye, and that we'd see them in New York, and walked away from the table. Sure, I wasn't best friends with them leaving that night, and maybe they won't remember us in New York. But I met someone who has impacted my life, and I was able to express that to him. And Jesus answered my prayer. That's a thought I could write pages about, the simple rewards and blessings that God gives us, that God gives me, simply because he loves me. There is no doubt in my mind that last night was one of them.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget. We BOTH waved to get his attention during set up. We held hands, and BOTH waved. That makes us 12, not 14. Oh, and amazing.

Ten said...

Sorry I didn't see you wave, I was too busy looking at Michael

In your dream playa said...

You girls ha.. Let try not to fight on here. You girls are lucky!!!!!!!! Oh man.. I guess someday.. And I will hold your guys hands and wave to.. Ha ha. I can't wait