Saturday, June 14, 2008

So, I started writing some stuff again. It's funny how I go in spurts. Some days my brain won't shut off and every event in my life gets transformed into a thousand word essay with a moral at the end. Most of the rest of the 365 days a year my mind is a complete blank and I beat myself up for wasting the single talent that God gave and promise myself the tomorrow will be the day that I put pen to page or fingers to keyboard. It usually doesn't happen though.
But this some, God has given lots of opportunities to write, so I'm doing it. And while I'm writing things that have been "assigned" so to speak, it's help spark my creativity a little bit. I have a lot of half finished, unedited stories, etc that I'm going to try to post here for the summer. We'll see what happens. Maybe it will be another six months before I post again. That's what this "Lions with Dentures" story is, something that I wrote quite a while ago, but it seems like it might be worth a read.


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